This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College. .
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Summer Learning Journey (Day 4)
This activity is to find a book I have read over the holidays. I have been reading a book called hunger games. It is about a girl and a boy. They are both in teams. They are on a mission. The mission is to stay alive. And try to get out of the place. The only thing is will they complete there missions.
Summer Learning Journey (Day 3)
This presentation is about what I would take to Astrila. Here is a link to it. You can view it. Also you can put comments on it. The first one I thought was important is clothes because we need to get change. The second one i thought was important is a cloth/towel because I need to have a wash. The third one I thought was important was a tooth brush and tooth paste because we need to clean out teeth. The foured important one is shoes and socks. My fifth one is EXTAR clothes.
Monday, 28 December 2015
Summee learning Journey Day 2
Day 2
For day 2 I have list three saftey ruels.
This is for our homework. I really enjoyed doing this because I got to listen to a rap/song called the men in black.
- When there is a emergency and the plane is taking of for landing you have two put your hands on your head and your elbows put your right beside your legs and your feet have to stay firmly on the floor.
- Your not allowed to smoke while your on the plane
- When a mask come down pull it over your head and place it over your mouth and nose and pull the hstring on the side.
Summer Learning Journey ( Day 1 )
I would likes to go and visit Astrlia because I would love to see the kangaroos and koloa with my own eyes. Also I have heard that it is hot there this means I can go for swims often.
Monday, 14 December 2015
Tamaki College
I would like to say a huge thank you to Tamaki College for having us at there school also for handing out some certificate to the people that went. We appreciate everything use have done. We really enjoyed our time there not only for science but also for tech. So thank you again and have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Blog Comments
These are comments I have made to 4 other people and classes. I have done one comment to Courtney. I have done one to Ana, I have done one to St Patrick School and I have done one to the room 5 blog. These comment included what I think that they could improve and what they have done.
Friday, 4 December 2015
...New Zealand New Flag - Juanita and Saruja...
New Zealand New Flag
Yesterday all the student at Panmure Bridge School voted for the flag that we thought look the best and that had the best meaning. This is the result that we got after voting for the flag that we thought was the best. For the Blue and Black Fern Flag 60 people voted, for the Red Peak flag there were 25 people voted, for the BW Koru 10 people voted, for the BW Fern flag there were 50 people voted and for the Red & Blue Fern flag 87 people voted. The best result for the flag was 87 people. These people voted for Red & Blue Flag.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Choosing An Flag
Here is what Courtney, Jasmine, Afu, Ducati and I have been working on this morning. We have done 4, 3, 2, 1. Four was to speed read though the information about the five flags, three we had to find a buddy to talk to about what one we liked and why we liked it, then for 2 we had to repeat the three minutes but with someone else, then for 1 we had to get into a group of 4 and talk about what flag we liked the best and why we liked that one the best.
If I was able to pick a flag I would pick Silver Fern (Black, White and Blue) because I like that the blue represent the sky and the water. It also looks really nice in my perspective. It is also easy to know that this flag is New Zealand.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
This is a game I played with my partner. I won by a lot of points. This means my partner need a bit of work on her maths. Click on the picture and it will take you to the game I played. You will need to player yourself and someone else.
...Blog Commenting...
These are blog comment I have made to people in my class room. I have done some feed back and I have mentioned what they have done well. Blog commenting is to help people improve on there work. I hope these people read the comments so they can learn more things. I am glad people can communicate other ways.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Blog Commenting
I have done 2 comments to 2 other class from 2 other schools. I have added what they can improve on and what I think is fantastic. I have done these comment to these schools because I think these movies are spectacular.
Tabloids Day
Today at Panmure Bridge we had a tabloids day ( Athletics ). We all participated in all activity. There was shot put, basket ball, skipping ropes, Hercules and more activity. I came 2nd in the sprints then in the finals I came 4th. I thought I did okay.
Science At Tamaki College
We have been going to science at Tamaki College. We have to stay behind after tech and go to science, in my opinion I think it is great because we have opportunity to do learning out of school. We have to have a bit of morning tea first, then Mrs Bunce come to take us to her class room to do some science.
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Working With A Critical Friend
Working with my critical friend was really interesting. I really enjoyed it because my critical friend gave me honest feedback on my writing. I really think this help me. It help me by her giving me comments. I have learnt that I need to work on my dialog. I need learn about dialog then write it in my writing. My critical friend has learnt that she needs to put in speech marks.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Science At Tamaki
Today after tech all the year 7 & 8 stayed back at Tamaki College. We stayed back to do science. Today was our first session. We really enjoyed our time at Tamaki College doing science. In science we were talking about what science is about, some of us said that science was about mixing potions and another group said that science was about exploring new things. Our teacher's name is Miss Bunce. Mrs Bunce asked us other question. We also learnt about new things. We had to answer the question on a piece of sticky notes. Then we had to stick the sticky note on a piece of A4 paper we then had to pick one of the answer to share. After we all finished we had a little quiz about all the question. We had just been asked. It was kind of like a recap of everything we had just done. If we had got the answer right we then had gotten a little prize.
...Thanks For Having Us In Tamaki College...
...Thanks For Having Us In Tamaki College...
Reading Activity
This my groups reading activity that we have create. The purpose of making this is to understand what a simple machine.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
All for 100
This is my result from playing a game. You have to get 100 using multiplication plus and division there was also take away. We only had 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9. I thought this game was really hard. If you would like to check this game out here is a link.
Reading Activity
This is my groups reading activity that we have created using google slides, the purpose of making this DLO was to understand what simple machine are and how they were used in the past.
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Today in music we were playing on the xylophone. It was really complicated but we got there in the end. We played the first verse. We all needed to practice now is the 2nd, 3rd and 4th verse. It was really interesting to see who got it straight away and who had a bit of trouble.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Rugby World Cup
This is a timeline of rugby as you can see. This was one of my reading task. I really enjoyed doing this because I learnt new things like English people was the people who invented rugby.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Dare Program
In our school we have a dare program. This is for year 7 and 8. We do dare to help us in the future. This program help us by teaching us how to make wise choice in difficulty situations like getting per pressured into doing something bad. This program help us know facts about cigarettes and drugs.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Basket Ball - Second Session
We had two coaches. There was Mark and Millie. They were our basketball coaches. We played some warm ups. We also learnt about pivot. We also learnt about stance. Then we played a game of relays and cup the ball. These games were fun to play. Our teacher said that we had good teamwork. We needed to practice so that we can be better. We need to run because we were racing each other on the relays.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
This is my maths. We all did this independent so that our teacher can see what we need work on. I enjoyed this because it tested my brain. I thought this was a little easy.
This is my maths poster. This shows repeated addition, T chart, What factor and products are and groups of. I have learnt that I need to practice my 7 time table.
Sunday, 18 October 2015
My homework task is to play maths games. This is a online challenge. I enjoyed this game because it was a bit easy, I also enjoyed it because it was a fun activity.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Care Awards
These are some photo I have found. I think these photo show what we have done at Panmure Bridge School. These support my idea of why I think Panmure Bridge School is a great school.
Care Awards
Valerie Adams is a person that has shown excellence and innovation. I have done this because it is one of my task to do on my care award booklet.
Care Award
Cyber Bulling is a serious offence to some people. Cyber Bulling is really hard to control by yourself. Some people don't relies there bulling but some people do it on purpose. This is why it is good to have someone to talk to.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Yesterday afternoon we played the ukulele. Our teacher that taught us was Fine,Yvette and Tim. They showed us how to pluck and strum new chords. We leaarnt how to strum the chords G, D,Am and G7.
Shake Out Drill
Today we did the shake out drill. A shake out drill is when our whole school those the three steps to a earthquake. We did this so that we could remember what to do in a real earthquake.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Story Swap Task - Tim and Juanita
I watched as the abandoned house sits at the bottom of the hill. It felt like it was staring at me. I desperately to the front of the door, wondering if I could go in. I open the door. I heard the door creak. I walked inside, the wood creaking as I walk on it. It made me realise the ghosts were real. I was urging to go outside, but I just had to go in and see for my self. I saw a empty room. It felt like the empty room was waiting for me to go inside.
When I walked in I saw a black shadow following me. I looked around the room, wondering how the shadow came to be. The I carried on to look for things. There were staircases leading up to the second floor. I walked up to get a better look upstairs. I saw as the bedrooms were destroyed, bathrooms that had a strange smell. It smelt like someone died in there. I continued on and I saw a library room. I walked inside and heard a voice, looking around to see if the voice was real. I spotted a shadow again so I said "who are you" and "what do you want". It didn't respond.
Today Tim and I wrote a recount about an old house. We took turn writing one sentence each. It was really intense for me because I didn't know what he was going to write. It was also really intense because I had to think of a sentence on the spot. This activity is called a 'Story Swap Task' We only had 15 minutes.What I learnt about writing a recount is how to think of sentence on the spot.
Today Tim and I wrote a recount about an old house. We took turn writing one sentence each. It was really intense for me because I didn't know what he was going to write. It was also really intense because I had to think of a sentence on the spot. This activity is called a 'Story Swap Task' We only had 15 minutes.What I learnt about writing a recount is how to think of sentence on the spot.
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
This my maths I have done. I think I could of try harder.I think I did the best I can hopefully I can make the next one be right.
Maths game
Today we played a game. This game helped is with our time tables. This game also helped us with our skip counting by checking the answer. This game is a fun good and useful game. It made use look for the arrays also. Lucky for me I won the game me and my partner played.
Monday, 12 October 2015
This google drawing show what I was doing in maths today.I have learnt how to subtracted big number. I was also really pleased that remembered all my maths strategy.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
Run Jump Throw
Run Jump Throw
Today Room 5 played discus and shotput. In shotput there were some helpful tips so we needed to listen carefully. It was important that I listened because next term is athletics and in athletic there is shotput and discus. In shotput there are many rules. There is a line that would be there and if you went over that line that would be no throw. Which kind a means you have done it wrong. There are other rules as well such as chin, knee, toe all in a row. Also your elbows need to be high. There is a chart that help us it is low to high watch it fly. In discus there’s also a lot of rules. In discus you need to have your chin, knees and toe all in a row. You need to have a grip that holds on to the discus like a shelf. If you turn your hands facing down to the ground the discus should fall right out of your hand. Also it should have your three long finger joints that holds it. You need to be able to swing the discus around.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Smoking is no where near good for your health!!
Vincent Van Gogh
In my class we have been learning about Vincent Van Gogh. He is a famous artist that has now died but he left some painting. He also cut off his ear because he wanted to show a lady that he loved her.
Queen Elizbeth
Queen Elizabeth is the queen of New Zealand. She is the longest queen that has stay i live. This was really special to her. Of course it is special she been the longest queen ever to stay alive in England.
Monday, 14 September 2015
Why water is so important.
This is one of my groups reading task we had to write a 25 word summary. We needed to add the punctuation. We created this to show why water is really important.
Courtney, Afu and I have made this to show that we know how to show the Averages. I am also aware that we have tried to make it look nice. We didn't really understand it when we did it with our heart ate but then we did it with the rubbish collection and when we did it with the rubbish we understood how to do average.
Complex Sentence
As you can see I have worked with June and Courtney. We have tried to make it look really effective. This shows you what us three have learnt. This took us a bit of time.
The Hauora house is your healths that you need to have so that you can be stable. As you can see this show you what the walls are called? and what the mean?
Monday, 7 September 2015
Comments To My Friends
This is my comment to Courtney. In this comment, I talked about how i liked her video and that it shows me that she has been learning a new game. I gave her feed forward which means what she could do next time. I said that she needs to put the video inside the boarder.
Saturday, 5 September 2015
Tonga Language Week
Tongan Language is another important language in New Zealand. Courtney and I have created this because as you may know that it is Tongan language week.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Kiwisport - Run , Jump and Throw

In run jump throw today we learnt new skills. We learnt how to jump high jumps properly. We have to jump from a angle, our knees have to be sightly bent, Our arm has to jump from side of the leading leg.
And in long jump we need to land on 2 feet, our knees has to be bent and our arms must swing. Today was fun and interesting. I have never done high jump before today.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Story scavenger Hunt
This is about a story we read but the interesting facts was random.
Current Event
Today I did current events. I chose to do the little panda that got birth. This baby panda got birth at Washington Zoo.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Creating Word Problems
This is how I solve my maths problem. I group them so therefore i get my answer as how it is.
Cyber Bullied
I have created this so that people know that they are not the only one getting cyber bullied. I have put some tips on how to deal with getting cyber bullied.
Maths - Transum
In maths today we had to play online challenges. So therefore I have played two games and these to games have help me by challenging me. I also had to consecrate a lot because if i didn't then I wouldn't have read the word number properly.
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