
Thursday, 3 December 2015

Choosing An Flag

Here is what Courtney, Jasmine, Afu, Ducati and I have been working on this morning. We have done 4, 3, 2, 1. Four was to speed read though the information about the five flags, three we had to find a buddy to talk to about what one we liked and why we liked it, then for 2 we had to repeat the three minutes  but with someone else, then for 1 we had to get into a group of 4 and talk about what flag we liked the best and why we liked that one the best.

If I was able to pick a flag I would pick Silver Fern (Black, White and Blue) because I like that the blue represent the sky and the water. It also looks really nice in my perspective. It is also easy to know that this flag is New Zealand.


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