
Thursday 1 September 2016


I will put into the box …
The rumbling noise of a dinosaurs rumbling stomach
The green snot of the giant ugly muddy troll
The fat rotten ugly green fruit

I will put into the box …
The bright colour yellow just like the sun
A fat bit of snow that will never melt
The drop of a raindrop from the dark clouds

I will put into the box …
The piece of gold blonde hair from Rapunzel
The velvet taste of the yummy gooey chocolate
The candy shop that has all the delicious looking candy

My box is fashioned from the diamonds found in the clear river and the gold found in the mines and the crystals that come straight from the mountains , with _pieces of magic paper that can fly into the sky_ on the lid and my darkest secret in the corners.

Its hinges are it destroy any body that tries to interact with my secret boxes.

I shall cherish and care for all the things in my box forever and ever.

This is my poem. It is about what I would put on my book. I really enjoyed doing this because it was really interesting and I had fun making up things. It was really weird reading it out loud but I like it because I am weird. It is a awkward and funny poem I hope you enjoy reading it.


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