Yesterday we went to over to the theater for get wise. We were learning about money wise we also learnt about cross roads. Cross roads are when we choose what way to go. Everyone in the world passes a cross road we either choose to go the easy way or to go the hard way by the hard way I mean challenging ourselves. Jeremy quoted : Spend some on you and save some to. If you choose to save your money in a piggy bank you should be able to put all your piggy bank money into a bank account. Do you think you could earn money by doing nothing? Well you can because you get interest free. You get interest free by creating you a bank account. We learnt ways how to earn our money. If we would like to earn a lot of money we will have to work hard because someone is always watching you.As we get older most of the people that went will start at fast food places such as: MacDonald's, KFC, BK and Fish and chips. There were 27 people that turned up for this event Jeremy said that 7 people will be SS ( Superstars) 10 people will be FS ( Fence sitters) 5 people will be NS (Not Sure) and 5 people will sadly fail. Money can be bad and good at times. It is bad when we want to much and we are be really greedy and money is good when don't expect to much and we just get the right amount. I think learning about the cross roads was really helpful to some of us because we need to think about what we are doing and what the consequence will be.
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