We have been playing a game. This game was really fun and cool. We were learning about fractions. It was really educating and exciting. I was determinant to win and the last game I did so. I am It was really
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College. .
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Advertising DLO
We have been learning about advertising because this will be our writing topic over the next couple of weeks. I have learnt that advertising is when someone is persuading you to buy their product. This means there is persuasive language features involved in this piece of writing. We had to write a little paragraph with exactly 25 words not 26 or 24 it had to be 25 words my group and I did really well.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Attributing Photo
We have been attributing photo. We have been doing this because we want to show people that we have been saying thanks. We also did this because it is illegal to take the pictures without attributing them.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Spark- Leadership
Yesterday afternoon we had a visit from Lynne, Lynne works at spark. The manaklani and spark have a working relationship. She visited us because they fund the Sir Peter Blake Trust. After we got to know Lynne we had to write our role models. My role model is my dad because he takes care of me. After we did that we had to think of our own dream and my dream was to be success in school so that I can get a great job. We then also had to write what we want NZ to be like.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Reflection About Oreintaring
Today we played another game of orienteering. I was really tried and exhausted. In my opinion I think I wouldn't be the right person to represent our school for this game because I can not run as fast as others. My partner and I were getting timed and our time was 25.10 minutes. It was really hard to keep on going but we finally made it even though I was tempted to just fall and stop but I kept on going. I started to get a stitch at the finish line lucky it was at the line because we ate as soon as we finished. We tarted 2.40 minutes after some of the people. My partner and I did not get a photo as soon as we finished if you took a photo we looked like to people that were about to die.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Life Education
My Speech
Good morning to all, Is this really how you want to end our world? It is making our world look like a pile of trash to be very honest. Sometime we don’t really like the truth. We keep making unnecessary equipment. As you can see i think really strong and powerful about my topic.
f we don’t do anything about pollution it might spread or even worse.. If I were you I would try and distinct the pollution. I feel like we have done nothing to help our earth but ruin it.
I know for a fact that china is filled with smog. It is because China create a variety of things. Such as clothes, toys and zectra and zectra. In China they have to close down schools and even highways because of the smog.
Pollution might kill the plants and we need plants for our oxygen.. Earth is our home and we should take care of our home. I love living in Aotearoa I wish I could do something about this pollution infact i am I walk to school everyday. I try my hardest to walk everywhere but when I have to go place that are far i have to go in a car. At least I know that I am trying to make a change
Cars, there are so many cars in the world. We need to think about smog and realize that the smog didn’t appear from nowhere. We created it. Shouldn’t we get rid of it? Knowing that people are responsible for pollution is heart-breaking.
I think if we just walk a bit more and go on trains more often we could make a huge change. I just hope that you have learnt something very important. We all need to lend a hand and help us make our world a better place.
So what we need to do is think about what we are putting in our air. I don't really want to breath in filthy air. I know you wouldn’t want to either.I hope you have thought really carefully
about pollution and who it can affect.
This is my speech. I presented it to my group. Tomorrow the finalist will be presenting to the whole class. When I presented my speech I felt scared and afraid.
Not using any expression at all in the speech. Sounds like a robot. Does not use the punctuation. Words do not flow
Using some expression for certain parts of the speech. Reverts back in sounding like a robot in some places.
Uses expression in most areas, but not all. Starting to make voice go high and low in certain parts. Starting to get into the role and use punctuation.
Uses expression throughout the speech. Making voice go high and low in all parts.
Opens mouth wide so that words flow.
Loud clear voice
Reads in a very soft voice e.g. whisper. May mumble during speech. Words / sentences are very unclear and may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in some parts, but may revert back to soft / mumbling voice. Not all words / sentences may not be understood by the audience.
Projects voice in most parts, but may mumble, or speak softly in 1-2 sentences / words. Most words are understood by the audience.
Projects voice throughout the performance. Voice is loud and clear. Every word / sentence is understood by the audience.
Eye Contact
The performer refers to the speech / cue cards during for the entire contest. No eye contact given to the audience
The performer refers to the speech cue cards for some parts. The performer looks at the audience during some parts of the speech contest.
The reader looks at the audience and gives eye contact to the audience most of the time.
Eye contact is given throughout the contest. The performer gives eye contact to the audience during the entire speech contest.
Knowledge of the speech
Reads directly from the cue cards. Strongly relies off the cue cards during the contest. Does not know speech very well. Loses own place regularly and relies off cue cards.
Knows some parts of the speech, but is still reliant on the cue cards. Follows the text for most parts. Still reliant on cue cards to get through the contest. May lose place.
Knows most parts of the speech off by heart.
Follows the text.
Could easily perform the speech without the cue cards.
Knows the speech off by heart. Memorized the speech.
My group had to work collaboratively to chose which one i had completed. As I was nervous my expression went really wonky. But I knew how to make eye contacts thats a good sign. But then i went back wonky on my knowledge of the speech.
I have been playing some reading games. Playing these games should improve my reading skills. I got most of them rightexcept one of my question. I think I did really well and I think I should try to get 100% so that I know I can be the best that I can be.
Staying Wise With Your Money..
Monday, 4 July 2016
My Writing
I have just created an invitation to a depressed dentist. My invitation was for him to come to my birthday party. We had to use a website called Story Starters. Here is a link to the game if you want to try it out for yourselves. In my opinion I think that it was harder to do the actual drawing then the writing.
My Writing
I have just created an invitation to a depressed dentist. My invitation was for him to come to my birthday party. We had to use a website called Story Starters. Here is a link to the game if you want to try it out for yourselves. In my opinion I think that it was harder to do the actual drawing then the writing.
Life Education
Today we went to our first lesson with Nicole for life education. We learnt about our body systems. We need to know about our body systems because we need to know what to do about them if one of your systems fail. We learnt about the nervous system - nerves/reactions circulatory system - Blood and the muscular - muscles
Reading Activity's
We have been playing a few games called Trapped and Did I Read it or not. I really enjoyed these games because they were really interesting. I did not do well on trapped however that does not mean I will do bad later on in the future. Did i read it or not went really well because it was easy to understand and i didn't have to keep reading over and over it which was really amazing.
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