Today we played a game called mathletics run. Luckily Evelyn and I came first. We had a lot of fun. It was a game that you got a lot of maths questions then you would have been running around the courts. We then had to run back with the correct answer to get the new question. We had to keep answering the question until we had finished our bag fulled with maths questions. We looked carefully at the question. We went to look at our maths tumble to remind us what we learnt this term. We learnt about basic facts and place value.
I'm glad you had fun Juanita. It was a great way to see what you could remember from our term's learning. You and Evelyn did a great job in the competition, well done for coming first!. Some of the questions were very tricky and I am impressed that you got them all right! Well done!
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