
Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Basket Ball - Second Session

We had two coaches. There was Mark and Millie. They were our basketball coaches. We played some warm ups.  We also learnt about pivot. We also learnt about stance. Then we played a game of relays and cup the ball. These games were fun to play.  Our teacher said that we had good teamwork. We needed to practice so that we can be better. We need to run because we were racing each other on the relays.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015


This is my maths. We all did this independent so that our teacher can see what we need work on. I enjoyed this because it tested my brain. I thought this was a little easy.


This is  my maths poster. This shows repeated addition, T chart, What factor and products are and groups of. I have learnt that I need to practice my 7 time table. 

Sunday, 18 October 2015


My homework task is to play maths games. This is a online challenge. I enjoyed this game because it was a bit easy, I also enjoyed it because it was a fun activity.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Care Awards

These are some photo I have found. I think these photo show what we have done at Panmure Bridge School. These support my idea of why I think Panmure Bridge School is a great school. 

Care Awards

Valerie Adams is a person that has shown excellence and innovation. I have done this because it is one of my task to do on my care award booklet.

Care Award

Cyber Bulling is a serious offence to some people. Cyber Bulling is really hard to control by yourself. Some people don't relies there bulling but some people do it on purpose. This is why it is good to have someone to talk to.

Thursday, 15 October 2015


Yesterday afternoon we played the ukulele. Our teacher that taught us was Fine,Yvette and Tim. They showed us how to pluck and strum new chords. We leaarnt how to strum the chords G, D,Am and G7.

Shake Out Drill

Today we did the shake out drill. A shake out drill is when our whole school those the three steps to a earthquake. We did this so that we could remember what to do in a real earthquake.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Story Swap Task - Tim and Juanita

I watched as the abandoned house sits at the bottom of the hill. It felt like it was staring at me. I desperately to the front of the door, wondering if I could go in. I open the door. I heard the door creak. I walked inside, the wood creaking as I walk on it. It made me realise the ghosts were real. I was urging to go outside, but I just had to go in and see for my self. I saw a empty room. It felt like the empty room was waiting for me to go inside.

When I walked in I saw a black shadow following me. I looked around the room, wondering how the shadow came to be. The I carried on to look for things. There were staircases leading up to the second floor. I walked up to get a better look upstairs. I saw as the bedrooms were destroyed, bathrooms that had a strange smell. It smelt like someone died in there. I continued on and I saw a library room. I walked inside and heard a voice, looking around to see if the voice was real. I spotted a shadow again so I said "who are you" and "what do you want". It didn't respond.

Today Tim and I wrote a recount about an old house. We took turn writing one sentence each. It was really intense for me because I didn't know what he was going to write. It was also really intense because I had to think of a sentence on the spot. This activity is called a 'Story Swap Task' We only had 15 minutes.What I learnt about writing a recount is how to think of sentence on the spot.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015


This my maths I have done. I think I could of  try harder.I think I did the best I can hopefully I can make the next one be right.

Maths game

Today we played a game. This game helped is with our time tables. This game also helped us with our skip counting by checking the answer. This game is a fun good and useful game. It made use look for the arrays also. Lucky for me I won the game me and my partner played.

Monday, 12 October 2015


This google drawing show what I was doing in maths today.I have learnt how to subtracted big number. I was also really pleased that remembered all my maths strategy.