
Thursday, 23 June 2016


Over the last 2 weeks we have been learning about Japan. Some of the year 8's remembered doing Japan a couple of years ago. We really enjoyed comparing our food to Japans food. It was really interesting to found out new things. 


Today we were playing Orienteering. Unfortunately my partner and I could not finish the courses on our last letter to find. We all enjoyed playing it but it was really hard not to slip but it was still fun. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Current Event

We have been creating current events.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016


We have been new things such as what we need in a documentary. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Super Smog in China - Reading

This week for Reading we had to make connections about Smog in China. We found out there are 3 types of connection there is 1. Text to self. 2. Text to world and finally there is the text to text. We then had to use the comment tool to make a connection that we had. Since we were talking about smog we had to write a comment about a time that we remember when we read this story about smog. I remembered my friends and I were walking through the fog when read smog.


What Might’ve Have Killed Dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs were real before we were even born, suddenly they all disappear in thin air. Could it be a volcano eruption, a meteorite, or an Ice Age? As you know their were some dinosaurs bones left behind in the dirt. 75% of plants and animals on earth went extinct and all of the land dinosaurs were wiped off the earth. What happened? Who or What caused their extinction?
(Paragraph 1)
Dinosaurs have been roaming around 135 millions years filling every piece of land including oceans, and skies.  What is Ice Age? Ice age is when everything turns into ice including grassland and oceans opened water. A lot of dinosaurs died because of the Ice Age. 75% of plants and animals on earth went extinct.  There was a key mystery towards of what made them extinct. There was a strange object that found in layers of ash and rocks, and it found out that it was an asteroid buried beneath the ash and rocks layers.
(Paragraph 2)
We then discovered that VOLCANO’S could have caused the extinction of dinosaurs. The volcano’s erupted more than they do now.  Which means if they were near a volcano and it erupted they would've burned    down. We are counted lucky because the volcanoes don’t erupt as much anymore Sadly we can not change the fact they are extinct.  As much little kids love dinosaurs
(Paragraph 3)
Meteor disconnect when it touches oxygen. When it is in space it is in one but then it splits in the air. If it doesn’t break on the surface it brakes on something. Back in the days when there was dinosaurs it sometimes would fall on them.

This is our Information Report about How dinosaurs ended up extinct. However as we are saying that dinosaurs are extinct we are not saying all replies  are. The tuatara is not extinct.

We have been learning to create a Information report. We had 3 choices to write about 1. Is Big Foot Real? 2. Are UFO'S real? and finally How did dinosaurs end up extinct? We have chosen to do How Did Dinosaurs end up extict. Did you know meteor wiped out 75% of plants and animals species.


We have been learning about china lately. We really notice that China is over populated. We had to create a DLO about China and three other DLO for China but we had to put it on this one DLO.

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Dawn Ceremony

Today we did the opening of our new learning spaces. Jessie and I called the people on which made me really nervous but my Mum and Brother  encouraged me to keep calling them in so I did. I was really proud of myself.