This week we have been comparing Ping-He school with Panmure bridge school. We had to include that Ping-He is a boarding school and how they have dorm moms. We had to include the difference's and the thing that are the same. We found out that in Ping-He school for PE you have to do 100 Sit up's 100 Push up's and they had to run around there track 50 times.
This blog is a record of my learning from Panmure Bridge Primary School through to Tamaki College. .
Thursday, 26 May 2016
3 Helpful Strategies
I have been creating a DLO to help others/you to understand a few easy strategies for maths. I have really enjoyed creating this because I just have. Maths is hard for a few people like me but today I had fun because in my opinion I think it was easy. In other people case this could be the worse subject but that does not mean that yo can have a bit of fun.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Water Safety
So we have been learning about safety around water. As Auckland children we need to make sure that we are safe around water because we are well known for the amount of water around Auckland.and knowing what to do around water is really helpful because we never know when we could use all the help that you may need. We need to prevent people from drowning and hurting themselves with water. Most kiwi families spend their holidays at beaches and knowing their kids know what to do in the water would give them a piece of mind. Which means there is a risk of drowning, however if you are careful and get in the water with your kids this could prevent drowning from happening. Sometimes it is based on the child or children parents to see if they want to keep their child or children safety.
We have been learning about water safety. I have been writing a paragraph about water safety. We also did a grid about water safety too.
Monday, 23 May 2016
We have been doing inquiry on water safety. We needed to make sure that it was affective. We had to put true facts not fake. This was a simple version of what I would usually do. But it was not so different from my usual DLO (Digital Learning Object).
Family Trees
We have been reading books about china, we found out that Chinese people are only allowed one child per family because there population is overflowing. We felt so sorry and sad to here that China parents has to give up one child or lose there income of money. If they have 2 kids then they will lose there jobs and 1 of there children wont be able to get an education. We think that this law should be prevented from going any further in life because it is sad to here that parents have to go through rough time, when it is a blessing having another child.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Monday, 16 May 2016
We have been doing maths. I really wanted to put this up on my blog because I wanted to teach someone else how to do time tables an easier way I also wanted to put it on my blog because i wanted to show what I was learning in class.
In inquiry we are learning about the countries neighbors. I have included how much KM it is from New Zealand. We had to use our smart searching skills to find out more about Thailand. We have been doing this so that we know what the neighbors.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
We have been learning how to synthesis. Synthesis is when you put knowledge you now and knew knowledge you just learnt then we put it in a opinion/Understanding. Toady we had to work collaboratively. We had different opinions about giant panda's after we researched about it.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Today in reading my partner and I have been synthesising about gorilla. First we had to start off with what we already knew about gorilla then we wrote down what we found out and then what our new thinking was. When we started we thought gorilla were just hairy fat eating banana's apes were just aggressive but when we got to learn more we found out that they were endangered. When we heard that they were endangered we thought we should care and respect them, show how important they are and prevent them from extinction. In this activity I learnt to synthesise about gorilla's.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Friday, 6 May 2016
This Term LS1 and LS2 will be joining together to discover more about our global neighbour, Asia. We will be working in a rotation, with mixed LS1 & LS2 students. Every two weeks you will learn about a new Asian country with a teacher in LS1 or LS2. We have created a information report that gives others 5 facts about India.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Blue Whale
The blue whale is a type of mammal called a cetacean and is a type of baleen whale. The scientific name for the blue whale is the Balaenoptera musculus. Blue whales are by far the biggest animals in the world. Even the biggest dinosaur that ever lived doesn't come close in size to the blue whale.
To eat, blue whales filter their food through stiff, bony, comb-like teeth called baleen plates. Their main diet is krill (small creatures that are less than 2 cm in size). A blue whale can eat up to 3,600 kilograms of krill a day during its peak consumption period. Blue whales catch their food by diving down to about 500 meters below the surface.
Blue whales are found in open oceans from the icy waters of the extreme Southern Hemisphere to the Aleutian Islands off Alaska at the northern boundary of the Pacific Ocean. Summers are spent in polar waters because food production is higher there.
Blue whales are simply enormous. Their heart is the size of a small car. A blue whale aorta (the main blood vessel) alone is large enough for a human to crawl through. They can weigh over 200,000 kilograms! Female blue whales are generally larger than males. Blue whales are light bluish gray on their dorsal side and mottled gray whitish on their bellies. Some have yellowish bellies.
Endangered species
The worldwide blue whale population is not known, however, blue whales are considered endangered according to the U.S. Endangered Species Act. For many years blue whales were hunted extensively for their large quantities of baleen, blubber, and meat. Although blue whales are protected, their populations show few signs of recovery.
Blue whales are large mammals that spends their time in the icy oceans. They only eat krill and are not a threat to any other creature in the ocean. Blue whales face the risk of extinction if humans continue to hunt them for their baleen, blubber and meat.
We have been learning to understand the structure for a information report. We needed to highlight the different kind of features different colours.
Eako maths
Today for maths we have been playing eako maths. We have been doing multiplication and division. If we got the question wrong we could go back and try again. I really enjoyed playing eako maths again because its fun and cool.
We have created a cover for a biography of George washington using what we knew about them and what we found out about after researching. The new information help us think about what there picture would look like and what the background would match there achivements.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Sub: Paragraph
The submarine submerged into the sea at a subzero temperature.As the submarine was leaving the water it crashed into a subject in the water. Meanwhile the subway had just left the station and the passengers were reading subheadings and subtitles of their newspaper. The subway also had a subnetwork so that people could entertain themselves….
Today for writing we worked in a group of 4 to create a word wall and a little paragraph that has 8 prefix of sub. We had to make sure we were working collaboratively which means to work together. We were doing prefix which is when the word has the same beginning Such as SUB this is a prefix because it can begin in several words, such as Subtitle and Subheading.

Today I have been playing a game. I have enjoyed this game because it helps me improve my maths but it also is really fun and I like this game. This game had more question for me to answer but sadly the clock crept up on me. I only get one minute to answer all the question which isn't that much time.
Maths - Juanita & Afu
Yesterday we did an activity which help us on our maths time tables. We found it abit hard doing our 6,7 and 8 time tables hard so we tried to split the number into 5's to make it easier for us. After we did this activity we found our time tables way easier.
We have been creating a google drawing about India and facts such as how far it is from New Zealand and How many hours it would take to get there and what countries India is close to.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Maths Can do's
My partner and I have been playing maths games. We really enjoyed playing this and we also learnt our place values playing this game. Which means it is a fun learning activity. I enjoyed working with my partner because she is my close friend and we play with each other a lot.
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